LIMES academy's program consists of physical and online seminars and workshops. In 2024, the physical seminars will take place in Valkenburg near Leiden and in Amsterdam. All seminars and workshops are offered free of charge, because we want to make our knowledge accessible to everyone.  All you need to do is register online.

Want to be the first to know about our seminars and workshops? Then subscribe to our newsletter here or follow us on LinkedIn.

Het programma van LIMES academy bestaat uit fysieke en online seminars en workshops. In 2024 vinden de fysieke seminars plaats in Valkenburg bij Leiden en in Amsterdam. Alle seminars en workshops worden gratis aangeboden, omdat we onze kennis voor iedereen toegankelijk willen maken. Het enige wat u hoeft te doen, is u online registreren.

Wilt u als eerste op de hoogte zijn van onze seminars en workshops? Abonneer u dan hier op onze nieuwsbrief of volg ons op LinkedIn.

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Working from home has become the new normal. For some employees, their home may be in a different country to the company that employs them. What considerations are there for employers regarding an employee who lives and works in Country A, but whose employment contract is with an entity in Country B?

In this session speaker Frank Mélotte takes you trough the various effects of working from home. In doing so, Frank cites the topics of tax and social security. He also draws the topic into a broader context by discussing the ‘work where you want’ legislative proposal. Permanent establishment and the working expenses scheme are also discussed.

This seminar will be of interest to people with the following roles: HR professionals, payroll administrators and global mobility managers.


Speaker during this seminar

Frank Mélotte, LIMES international

Read more about the LIMES academy speakers here.


Interested in this seminar?

To attend this session, please register in advance.



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